Frequently asked questions

We have collected a number of frequently asked questions that you are recommended to explore here. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us through our official channels.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

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When will I get my health card (yellow card)?

It usually takes 2-4 weeks. Your name should be clearly displayed on your mailbox so that you can receive your health card by regular post. 

If you haven't received the card after 4 weeks, please contact your local Citizen Service Center (‘borgerservice’ in Danish) within 6 months. After 6 months, you will have to pay an additional fee for a new card.

How long does it take to get my residence card?

In your residence permit letter, you can see how long you should expect to wait – normally 2-3 weeks or 4-6 weeks. 

If you do not receive your card, please contact the relevant authority (stated in your residence permit letter). You can also find relevant contact information at

How can I change my address?

If you have MitID, you must change your address online.

If you do not have MitID, you must contact a Citizen Service Center (‘borgerservice’ in Danish) in the municipality you move to. Be aware that the notification time is only 5 days.

Please find login and contact information to all municipalities here.

I am about to leave Denmark. How can I deregister/de-activate my CPR number?

If you have MitID, you must report your departure online. Please find login and relevant information on practical matters before leaving here. 

Be aware that the notification time is only 5 days. 

I am back in Denmark. How can I reactivate my CPR number?

You must apply for a re-entry registration and the application process is similar to the one you went through the first time you were registered in Denmark. 

Please apply here for CPR registration.

If you are an EU citizen, you must also apply for a new EU residence document. 

Non-EU citizens must hold a valid residence permit.