Welcome Event # 1

Welcome to Greater Copenhagen – your journey in one of the most liveable places in the world has begun and we are here to make sure it’s a smooth one.

A roof over your head, a job and a social network are essential for a good start to a new life away from your familiar surroundings. But where do you start your housing hunt? How do you land your first job in a new country? And what is the key to living an engaged and meaningful social life?

Let’s guide you through your journey in Denmark  

Our welcome events take place every other month, inviting all newcomers to join in on an informal yet informative evening, where we take a closer look at the most essential steps of your new journey in Denmark.

The purpose of this event is to help and guide you in your transition from global to local citizen, covering a broad range of essential topics that are relevant for all newcomers.

The topics on this journey include:

  • The essentials of settling in including a guide to digital Denmark, housing, the Danish healthcare system, transport etc. 
  • Job and career – an introduction to the many tools and resources available out there to support you in your job search. 
  • Understanding Danish culture and how to build a social life in Denmark including tips and tricks to volunteering, networking, culture and leisure.  

Experienced staff from the City of Copenhagen will provide you with general guidance and point you to relevant sources, where you can explore and learn more. Please note that it will not be an in-depth coverage of each topic. 

In addition to useful information and inspiration, you will also meet and mingle with other newcomers with a chance to share knowledge and experiences with one another - come and join us for a ‘hyggelig’ evening!

The event is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg ØKS programme and part of the Cross-border Talent Bridge project. You can read more about the project here. 


International House

Nyropsgade 1

1602 København V
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