Understanding the Danish Job Market: Rights, Rules & Responsibilities

Are you new to Denmark and trying to navigate the Danish job market? Do you know what to look for before signing an employment contract – or how to read your payslip?

Join us for an informative event designed specifically for internationals trying to understand the unique features of the Danish job market including the role of trade unions and collective bargaining. 

The event is organised in collaboration with the United Federation of Workers in Denmark (3F) and will cover the following topics among other things:  

•    The Danish labour market model and the collaboration between the state, employers’ organisations and trade unions 
•    Review of an employment contract and what it means if there is no collective agreement in the workplace
•    A close look at a regular Danish payslip including important abbreviations and terms
•    Stories from employees in the construction and hospitality industries 
•    Q&A – feel free to bring your questions for an open and interactive dialogue

Whether or not you already have a job in Denmark, this event will provide you with a better understanding of your rights as an employee and hopefully give you necessary insights to help you feel more confident in your professional journey.

Follow International House Copenhagen on Facebook for more updates!


International House

Nyropsgade 1

1602 København V
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