Career Kick Start

Does your university want to better equip your incoming international students for the transition from studying to the job market?

We offer workshops, which are free of charge, where we focus on guiding students to a study job and hopefully their desired job after graduation. Our workshops can complement what you already offer your students and are designed to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities during and after their studies.

Examples of workshops we can offer:

Danish Workplace Culture

We delve into the unique aspects of Danish work culture. Students will gain insight into the unwritten rules, collaboration etiquette, and values crucial for successful integration into the job market.

Effective Networking

Networking is crucial for career success. We teach students how to build and nurture relationships within their field. Through practical exercises, we enhance their ability to expand their professional circle.

Mastering Competency Presentation

Expressing skills isn't always easy. We train students to articulate their competencies and experiences convincingly. This is crucial during job interviews and in written communication.

Our goal is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to enter the workforce with confidence and enthusiasm. Our experienced instructors tailor the course to your university's specific needs, complementing your existing teaching.

If you'd like to learn more about what we can offer you, please don't hesitate to contact us via email or give us a call on 5118 2882.